OLD - Deep Wrinkles


Wrinkles are folds and creases that are visible on the surface of the skin. Wrinkles occur when there is a decrease in the amount of collagen in the dermis or the collagen becomes damaged. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein produced by cells called fibroblasts, but the production of collagen decreases as we age, causing lines and wrinkles. Over exposure to external factors including UV rays, pollution, smoking and stress is the primary cause of early wrinkling. 

Target the advanced signs of ageing such as deep wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation concerns and thinning skin with the Age Benefit Integral Regenerating Cream - Dry Skin!

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT deep wrinkles?

  • Minimise sun exposure

  • Always use a high SPF on a daily basis throughout the year

  • Follow a comprehensive skincare regime including daily cleansing, serum and moisturiser with Antioxidant protection 

  • Exfoliate twice a week 

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT deep wrinkles?

  • Minimise sun exposure

  • Always use a high SPF on a daily basis throughout the year

  • Follow a comprehensive skincare regime including daily cleansing, serum and moisturiser with anti-oxidant protection 

  • Exfoliate twice a week 

Perfect for deep wrinkles