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Happy New Year!

NEW YEAR NEW SKINA new year is upon us so when it comes to skin it is ‘out with the old and in with the new’.  Excessive eating, boozing and...


A new year is upon us so when it comes to skin it is ‘out with the old and in with the new’.  Excessive eating, boozing and late nights during the festive season are all part of the celebrations but it really takes a toll on the skin just as much as it can on the body so come the 1st of January it is definitely time to ditch that post-Christmas guise and reset and refresh your skin complexion.
I like to think of January as a total body detox and that means changing things up!  There are always those good intentions of signing up to every gym class, dusting off the nutri-bullet and whipping up smoothie after smoothie (I tend to last a week) – but when it comes to my skin I love the idea of a ‘skin detox’ and so I rebuild my whole skincare regime to just really ‘wipe the slate clean’. On that basis I wanted to share with you my top tips for your ‘new year new skin’.

I’ve said it over and over again but there is so much more to cleansing than just a quick wash and go.  Think about it – the air that surrounds us is far from pristine – airborne bacteria and pollution literally infiltrates the skin through its pores on an hourly basis so by the time you get home from work you can imagine how dirty the skin is.  If this is not physically removed over time it will contribute to skin ageing, breakouts and that dull lacklustre glow.  You can invest in the most expensive of serums but they won’t stand a chance if make-up and impurities are not properly removed – so with that in mind  go one step further this January and give your skin the gift of a daily ‘double cleanse’. The idea behind it is to take your skin back to the ‘professional salon facial’ where the beauty therapist chooses two different textured cleansers to really give that all important in-depth cleanse. My preference is to use Gatineau’s Gentle Silk Cleanser for the first cleanse enriched with silk and cotton extracts before revving things up with a fully-fledged deep down second cleanse using Gatineau’s Refreshing Cleansing Cream (which lathers up with water) together with a deep cleansing brush. I promise your skin will feel squeaky clean and look absolutely spotless!

Just as we layer up in the winter months to protect ourselves from the extreme temperatures it is vital to layer down when it comes to the skin. Dead skin cells build up on the surface of the skin on a daily basis and actually block your skincare products from properly absorbing into your skin.  Exfoliation is all about getting rid of these dead skin cells and it should be performed at least twice a week.  There are two main methods of exfoliation – physical (AKA using granules to buff away the dead skin cells) and chemical (AKA using fruit acids or enzymes to dissolve the glue that binds the skin cells together). Personally I find the chemical method far more superior and much more enjoyable!  Try Gatineau’s Radiance Enhancing Gommage which you will fall in love with as soon as you get a whiff of the subtle citrus fragrance. It has a beautiful pearlised gel texture, and is granular free and has been designed with gentle AHA’s from Apples which melt away the build-up of surface dead skin cells and reveal a glowing and radiant complexion.
Drinking water is key to a healthy skin but it is just as important to inject it externally with moisture as well as internally. Rapid temperature changes during the winter months can wreak havoc on moisture levels leaving skin parched and skin cells requiring extra protection.  You may or may not have heard of it but Hyaluronic Acid is one of those natural ingredients that our skin cells naturally produce and is key to a smooth and hydrated skin. (In fact this clever moisturising magnet is capable of holding over 1000 times its weight in water).  That was the good news but the bad news is that our skin stops producing this wonder ingredient as soon as we reach our 40’s so as our skin tries to battle the harsh winter elements and with depleted HA levels you can imagine the dire consequences!  I love Gatineau’s Aquamemory Moisture Replenish Serum which to me is the perfect layering partner to slather on underneath your moisturiser.  Packed with Sea Minerals and heaps of Hyaluronic Acid it literally floods the skin with moisture which continues to work for up to 12 hours!  Genius – you can watch it transform your rigid thirsty skin into a soft and super hydrated one!

Cracked lips, crepe eyelids and a turkey neck – all three of these delicate areas have their own issues to deal with and need a lot of extra attention especially in the winter months. Take the lips for example which have only 3-6 skin layers to them versus up to 16 on the face together with the lack of nourishing sebaceous glands which can cause severe skin dryness and chapping.  The delicate eye area also has its own problems – the thinning skin causes crinkling and wrinkling and a poor circulation causing a build of fluids, puffiness and skin discolouration.  Moving south the neck also has its fair share of problems to contend with on a daily basis – constant movement causes the skin to stretch creating necklace lines plus the skin on the neck is exceptionally thin making it more prone to premature ageing.  Give these tenuous zones some TLC of their own and ensure you use targeted skincare products dedicated to treating these areas. 
Post-party season leaves my skin looking drained and worn-out and I sometimes feel it just needs an extra boost to keep it looking and feeling healthy – enter a Gatineau face mask!  Masks have actually been used for thousands of years in many ancient cultures to successfully treat many skin problems and it is what Gatineau’s team of industry experts do best!  They don’t just create an average face mask – they create professional luxurious face masks which offer instant results.  Face masks have the power to make an immediate difference to your complexion whether it be to inject some serious glow, melt away lines and wrinkles, draw out impurities or increase hydration. What I love even more is that together with an incredible amount of skincare benefits, face masks can have a real impact on mental well-being and taking time out of your day to use one will encourage you to relax and melt away the stresses of the day!

So as January fast approaches it is time to figure out your skin goals, change things up and elevate the appearance of your skin so that it positively gleams this winter!
Lucy x

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