OLD - Dehydration

WHY DOes my skin feel dry?

Dehydration is caused by a lack of moisture in the stratum corneum (the outer layer of skin) and inadequate water retention - it is often a temporary concern. It can occur in all skin types and it can develop through many external factors which disrupt the skin barrier causing water loss.

Alkessence IonActive Alkaline Soothing Mist - this weightless Mist floods the skin with moisture, offering 24 hour hydration to parched pores!

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT dehydration?

  • Follow a good skincare cleansing and protective regime using ingredients with Hyaluronic acid and Antioxidants

  • Keep hydrated by drinking the recommended 6-8 glasses of water per day

  • Always use a specific hydrating tonic underneath your moisturiser morning and evening

  • Apply a skin-restoring face mask and leave overnight for an in-depth hydrating effect

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT dehydration?

  • Follow a good skincare cleansing and protective regime using ingredients with Hyaluronic acid and Antioxidants

  • Keep hydrated by drinking the recommended 6-8 glasses of water per day

  • Always use a specific hydrating tonic underneath your moisturiser morning and evening

  • Apply a skin-restoring face mask and leave overnight for an in-depth hydrating effect

Perfect for dehydration