We are delighted to be partnering with The Eve Appeal for their Get Lippy campaign this May. As a female founded brand, with a predominantly female team, we are proud to be supporting the campaign to help raise awareness of the 5 gynaecological cancers.

The Eve Appeal is the UK’s leading gynaecological cancer charity and the only charity that focusses on the prevention and early diagnosis of all five gynae cancers - womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal that can affect women and people with gynae organs. In the UK, only 7% of cancer research funding goes towards prevention - our aim is to help fill this gap by taking part in Get Lippy.

The Get Lippy campaign is also designed to empower women by helping to open potentially life-saving conversations around gynae cancers, encouraging people to share stories and debunk myths. We will be using our platforms to continue this work – sharing advice and forums to encourage everyone to feel comfortable talking about their gynae health and to support each other to seek medical advice if they have concerns.

Throughout May, we will give 20% of the sales of the 200ml Golden Glow Gradual Tan to The Eve Appeal, as part of the Get Lippy campaign.